1) Apa yang ‘realiti’ lebih utama dari apa yang ‘dipertontonkan’. Action always speaks louder than words. Make your own conclusion of situation by 'action' not 'words' because words sometime can lie.
2) Berpijak pada bumi yang nyata. Bukan mencipta ‘kenyataan’ yang kita sendiri tak tahu ianya benar atau tidak.
3) I need to accept, people changed. That's we called reality. Dulu dan sekarang, takkan sama.
4) At least they teach me the feeling of ‘attachment’ within entertainment industry which is I don’t expect it could ever happen.
p/s: 501 my favourite number and i want to put it like everywhere because whenever I saw any ‘501’, it reminds me The Good Old Days. Especially those memories with nana,my younger sis. Kan nana kan? =)
p/ss: Above signboard can be found at Kerteh, Terengganu, Malaysia =)
p/sss: First time buat entry yang ada banyak double/hidden meaning yang mungkin aku sorang je yang faham.