The Sakura is elegant and beautiful and yet, its life is regrettably short.The way I see it, the Sakura is telling us, that our lives are so short too, but we have to live a good and satisfying life. Even though the Sakura’s life is short, but thousands if not millions of people worldwide flock to see the beauty of it, its short life is truly to be endeavored for. On the contrary, a weed for instance, it lives a long life, but people just walk pass it as if it weren’t there. What is the point if we live the life that’s hollow inside? With each ticking time that passes by, lets make it purposeful.Kredit: Idris
Tersuka bunga kaler pink di bawah ini. Eh? Eh? Pink? Adakah ianya declaration seperti yang pernah dikatakan oleh rumateku bahawa suatu hari nanti aku pasti akan meminati warna pink?

Sudah terjatuh cinta secara total dengan bunga sakura (walaupun tak pernah tengok live). The most beautiful flower I think. Kawen nanti aku nak buat garden wedding yang hanya dihiasi dengan bunga sakura sahaja boleh? Muahaha, gila ke apa nak import bunga sakura from Japan semata-mata. Tsk tsk tsk
Nadia ingin menambah koleksi impian. Ingin ber-hanami di bawah pohon sakura seperti mereka-mereka di gambar bawah ini. Macam best je bila kita duduk, di sekeliling dipenuhi dengan bunga yang berwarna pink lembut bertaburan di mana-mana sahaja. Such a great scene!

p/s: Selamat menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan =)
3 voice out:
Cantiknya musim bunga. Bila la Malaysia nak ada musim bunga. But, seriously, musim bunga memang cantik...romantik gitu. Kekeke.
Abis tu, takde siapa suka bunga raya ke??
this is one of the reasons why farah nak pegi jepun T_T
tapi takde rezki takpelah.
selamat hari merdeka nadiaaa :D
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