
being same and different

Aku ada baru terbaca entri kat ada satu blog ni semalam. Dia kawan kepada kawan aku tp x kenal pun sape dia sebenarnya.I was wonder how come every single thing yang dia cerita kat blog dia,segala opinion dia and segala yang ada dalam fikiran dia sama dengan apa yang ada dalam fikiran aku ni(dia pun suka bayang-bayangkan mende sama macam aku). Really!!Kadang-kadang aku senyum sensorang coz apa yang dia citer sama ngan apa yang aku rasa cuma dia terjemah dalam English la(aku bantai je bahasa apa,ikut suka,bi bleh,bm bleh,campur2 pun boleh) tp gaya bahasa lain sket2 la.Aku di ambang kepelikan nih! Pelik bangat sih!Seriously!And now I realize that bukan aku je yang sorang2dalam dunia ni yang berfikiran macam tu(eh,macam 2 orang! I have discovered ada sorang lagi kawan aku ni sama macam aku. Suka bayang2 certain situation.heheh) and the fact is aku tak keseorangan rupanya di dunia ni. Bertambah geng. Yeyeh!

Kat bawah ni adalah contoh peristiwa yang dah lama aku bayangkan suatu ketika dahulu. Aku jumpa kat blog dia and I cut and copy here

All sorts of visions played in my mind, things I imagined doing to the deceiving guys, who had for months lie discreetly about their ugly affairs. The image of me slapping hard on his face. Me, staring at his eyes with disgust, and when he ask what i was staring at, I’ll reply nonchalantly “…naah, just examining a specific type of jerk ”. But what I wanted to do most was shout at the top of my lung to his face “ stupid, ungrateful two-timer !!”.

Yeah,sumernye dah lama berada dalam fikiran aku. But the way or maybe the word we react is quite different but the situation is still the same.hahaha…
Kat bawah ni lagi ada salah satu 1 entri yang aku copy and paste kat sini dan aku rasa entri ni begitu dekat dengan jiwa aku. Certain2 tu memang berlegar-legar dalam fikiran aku ni.I will take her advice dengan hati yang terbuka.

It’s always not easy when you are a lil bit different from people around you.

You will attract eyes to you when you wear a green top with bright pink skirt, when everyone else wear the ordinary, common colours.
You will draw attention when you choose to ride a bicycle to work when the rest of your colleagues drive big cars, leaving you behind with the dust fumes.
You will be considered weird if you bury your head in books, when the rest of your workmates sit around at one table gossiping.
You will be jeered as being too outspoken, if you stand up during meetings and give opinions about certain matters that you think is not right.
And you will be questioned continuously by people when you choose a different path from them.You will be constantly the talk among people.

You are forever noticeable.Because you choose to be different.Put a deaf ear. Put a blind eye to them. Shut your mouth, grin your teeth and just do whatever you have put your mind into. As long as you’re not doing anything that’s against the law or religion, you are allowed to venture into whatever road you want albeit what the rest says.It’s gonna be hard,..because you choose a path that no one else dare enough to go into. It’s hard because this path you’ve chosen is not a popular choice among people and you’ve got to start from scratch and work yourself up all by yourself. It’s hard to prove to yourself when people around doesn’t really understand and support. And sometimes, you cant help but silently question yourself during the down days..” did I make the right choice..?”Don’t be discouraged by people’s doubt and questioning look. Don’t be disturbed by their ordinariness. Don’t be bothered by their negative remarks. When your heart are filled with a burning desire plus an unshakeable faith that this is what you want, by all means, do it. Because you will succeed.There's nothing wrong choosing the left turn when the others turn right. In fact, it makes you stand out in the crowd of people. It makes you unique and special. It shows that you're brave and highly-determined to go amidst the risk, no matter how difficult or challenging the path is. You choose to stand up for what you believe in. You choose to be the person you are today. You chose to be different when the rest prefers the safeness of their comfort zone. You keep going forward no matter what the others say in order to reach the dreams you’ve been wanting all your life.Don’t stop now. Don’t change for other people’s sake. Don’t back-off until you have tried all means to achieving your dream.Because you will succeed. InsyaAllah =]

Erm,sumtime I like to be different becoz I don’t want to be same as other people do. Boring jugak asyik menengok dan buat benda yang sama. Betul tak?Kadang-kadang I want sumthing new. Its natural(kalau buat2@ tak natural tu lain citer la) and of course not the kind of want to ‘attract’ other people but people always assume that without knowing the real situation. Kadang-kadang pulak,,we want to be different becoz we don’t agree to follow other people. Kalau certain2 things tak sesuai dengan jiwa,takkan kita nak follow membuta-tuli,ye tak? Tak perlu ubah pendirian semata-mata untuk memuaskan hati semua pihak.Nak ke jadi macam lalang? Takde pendirian? Selagi I can follow that things,I will follow.I will accept it if I think its true and quite good to improve our character and personality. Kalau tak boleh nak wat macam mana. Its not the wrong things. Just admit it but depends wether wanna accept it or not.We know the limits.Sumtime,that opinion can also change by time. Depends on our experience. Setiap orang juga ada pendirian yang kadang-kadang memang tak boleh diubah.Please be naturally.As long as we can understand others,we still can say ‘hye!’ and can be friends even not really2 best friends(asalkan takde kes2 yg berat ngan dia.Kalau ada,we can think twice actually) People don’t know the reason is but SEMUA ORANG KAN ADA PENDAPAT DAN PENDIRIAN MASING-MASING. Tapi as long as aku tak langgar peraturan dunia(dari segi undang-undang-yang membuatkan kt bleh masuk jail kalau break the rule) mahupun peraturan agama,as long as at outside(the real environment-not in certain2 society) its not the kind of weird,I still wanna do it. As the advice kat atas ni *wink*

Dengan ter ’publish’ nye entri ni,sasaran untuk menggunakan BI dalam blog tercapai gak la sket2! Walaupun tak banyak. Coz aku tak yakin la untuk guna semua English(kadang2 perkataan simple pun boleh lupa kan?). Nanti kalau tak tau perkataan tu dalam BI,tersekat plak idea aku nak tulis ni. Kalau bukak kamus kang,tetiba idea tu hilang? X besh gak kan? *grin*

* “You will attract eyes to you when you wear a green top with bright pink skirt” – I can’t imagine if I wearing this at public. For me,its too weird! Well,we know our limits right?heheh

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