

Hahaha trend baru. Bila tak tahu tajuk letak je tajuk unknown. LOL.

Jumaat lepas aku dengan senior aku mengamuk jap kat lab. Gara2 baru menerima arahan yang sungguh la tak logik over-dose daripada head of department@manager. And he said it's a record don't say excuse. Somehow aku rasa macam nak cakap "Can i see the proof? I can't believe that record can stand more than 3 days. It's kinda ridiculous. Like seriously". Aku tunggu masa yang sesuai untuk cakap.

p/s: I've learned sumthing since a few weeks ago. Sumtimes ada benda yang kita terpaksa limit. I can't be outspoken anymore. There are a lot of judgers out there who only judge based on the what have been written in the blog without know the truth story.And the most important without know the true situation. Note that u never be in my shoe so keep away judging me.

Aku masih boleh membezakan benda yang betul dan benda yang salah. No need to guide me what i have to do if u didn't know anything. Benda yang aku rasa betul, aku berani fight for it and provide the reason why and why. Dan agak terkesima la kalau sumone don't ever ask me the true situation, don't know the true story but keep judging on me. Dan ada jugak la benda yang aku rasa salah but i can't help to prevent it. Mostly benda yang aku rasa salah tu tersimpan dalam hati aku je la dan aku fikir 1000x kali to write it everywhere (mungkin sebab aku rasa salah so tak ptut tulis.LOL) .Dan after 1000x kali fikir tapi akhirnya aku tulis jugak,i don't mind to get negative comment about it sebab aku rasa memang tak patut pun.LOL.

And becoz of judgers out there, whenever i have a problem in the future, i'm thinking like 1000x to write in this blog more than 1 paragraph. Less is more right? =)