
Selamat Hari Kayangan Diya [2]

Terima kasih diya. Kerana cuba memahami diri ini where in certain condition, I thought no one will understand me.

Terima kasih diya. For being stay within this 2 years and didn’t lost contact while it seems like almost keep come into and leave me.

Terima kasih diya kerana berada ‘di mana-mana’ , for me =)

Terima kasih diya. For accept whoever me

Terima kasih diya. For didn’t stop blogging and willing to share your thought. Yeah, through your entry, I’m learned much about life =)

Terima kasih diya. Because you are one of the person that make me feel close to u even we haven’t meet yet. Well, as u said before, its not necessary to meet eye by eye in order to feel close. Right? =)

Terima kasih diya. For everything. Tentang Diya. That I can’t come out with a description and word. Happy 23th birthday. May your wish come true. Semoga dirahmati dunia dan akhirat.

p/s: You know why i keep remember much about you? Your thought, your entry and so on. It's not because i'm amazing and have such a amazing brain. I even not trying to remember it but it stay in my mind for no reason. Maybe it just because you are one of person that i feel 'close' to. U know right, sometime i'm very 'deep into' anything that related to person that i feel close/attached to. U already know this fact right? You can judge it based on my entry too. heheh

Enjoy birthday girl ^_^

3 voice out:

Anonymous said...


Insya Allah, diya akan jaga frenship kita ni sampai bila2.

Thanks banyak2 Nadia. Awak faham diya lebih dari diya faham diri diya sendiri =)

yonna said...

diya ni macam angel untuk kita kan? :)

13may said...

errr....besday saya 13may tau :D

ps: hepi besday buat diya :)