Terima kasih diya. Kerana cuba memahami diri ini where in certain condition, I thought no one will understand me.
Terima kasih diya. For being stay within this 2 years and didn’t lost contact while it seems like almost keep come into and leave me.
Terima kasih diya kerana berada ‘di mana-mana’ , for me =)
Terima kasih diya. For accept whoever me
Terima kasih diya. For accept whoever me
Terima kasih diya. For didn’t stop blogging and willing to share your thought. Yeah, through your entry, I’m learned much about life =)
Terima kasih diya. Because you are one of the person that make me feel close to u even we haven’t meet yet. Well, as u said before, its not necessary to meet eye by eye in order to feel close. Right? =)
Terima kasih diya. For everything. Tentang Diya. That I can’t come out with a description and word. Happy 23th birthday. May your wish come true. Semoga dirahmati dunia dan akhirat.
p/s: You know why i keep remember much about you? Your thought, your entry and so on. It's not because i'm amazing and have such a amazing brain. I even not trying to remember it but it stay in my mind for no reason. Maybe it just because you are one of person that i feel 'close' to. U know right, sometime i'm very 'deep into' anything that related to person that i feel close/attached to. U already know this fact right? You can judge it based on my entry too. heheh
Enjoy birthday girl ^_^
3 voice out:
Insya Allah, diya akan jaga frenship kita ni sampai bila2.
Thanks banyak2 Nadia. Awak faham diya lebih dari diya faham diri diya sendiri =)
diya ni macam angel untuk kita kan? :)
errr....besday saya 13may tau :D
ps: hepi besday buat diya :)
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